My mind created obstacles for good reasons!

I was reminded of an incredible quote this past week. 

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we use to create them" Albert Einstein


I have to say this resonated so deeply with me, as I was challenged by my own mental blocks.

Why was I not able to see past "the" situation I was encountering? why was I feeling stuck? but also, where exactly was I stuck on? and WHAT was holding me back? so many questions. 

So I did what I know would help me: I coached myself out of the situation and in doing so I was able to see some of "the light".  The problem was in this: my mind created these obstacles for a reason and they are very good reasons and as much as I was  trying to “coach myself” to have a different perspective I was still not where I knew I could be. Why? …So I called my life coach

I know I have declared this before and I shout it out again THANK YOU to MY OWN LIFE COACH!!! yes, I have a life coach. I have invested in my personal growth so much because I know the value of getting out of my head and seeing life as IT IS, not as it is happening to me!

You see even though I am trained to coach myself out of a situation I only know what I know and can only work with what I know I KNOW, you know what I mean?

My life coach was the one who challenges me to look beyond myself, to see what I cannot see and to grasp at the possibility that is unrecognizable to my own pattern of thinking. 

We all have a set of habits, rules, sayings, patterns that we have made up in order to navigate our lives.  The thing about these habits is that they make sense to us, this is why we created them.   

However, one thing we tend to forget is that old habits or patterns are made up of beliefs that can be limiting, assumptions about situations and people in the past, and they can come from a place of fear and sadness. BUT they all come from an actual experience in your life, this is why they make perfect sense.

The disconnect comes when we approach a NEW situation with an OLD pattern/Belief (created from an OLD experiences) and expect a NEW and Improved result!

In short, if we want to eat rice we cook rice. The product and results are the same.  However,  we cannot cook plain rice and expect it to taste like a Paella (Spanish rice, and seafood dish seasoned with Saffron yum!!!) This requires more ingredients and a recipe to guide us through.  OH but it's worth the work and the time spent making.

I hope you see my point! Or maybe just look into making a Paella and let me know how it turns out! If we realize that the plain rice is no longer satisfying us we need a new recipe.

Why would we need a new recipe or habits in our lives. 2 main reason:

One, we come to the realization that the habits or pattern we currently have DON'T make sense as much, or simply put , we DON’t want them anymore! and,

Secondly, we want to change something in our lives. We long for something to be different and so plain rice is no longer appetizing and we want to try something new!

The reality is simple: If we want to continue getting the same result we should continue to do what we are doing now! BUT, If you want something different and long for a change, 

A change needs to be made. 

Change is beautiful when you decide you are worth the growth. Remember you only know what you know and investing in personal development is deciding you are worth more!

yours in success,

Nadia Tenorio CPC, ELI-MP

Copy of I Want what I want, and I want it NOW... please!

I have learned that life has its own agenda.

Most of us have grown impatient with life. We have acquired an attitude about how we manifest things in life. I refer to this as the “on demand mindset”. What do I mean by the “on demand mindset” well its this idea that our desires have to be met immediately.

I want what I want, and we want it “right NOW… please!”

Maybe is due to the fact that now a days you decide what shows you want to watch, find it on the various media outlets and watch it instantly, there is no longer that discipline needed of having to schedule your weeknights around a t.v show line up, or Saturday morning’s cartoon. In the olden days (lol) if you missed an episode on t.v. well, you had to hear about it later and wait till re runs sometime in the near future. Today we binge watch only what we want and when we want it.

Food cravings are my favourite part of this…cause I am a foodie. We can crave something to eat and go on our phone and order it without having to leave our house and get off the couch. This is really Amazing!!!!

But things don’t stop there tho, we start a business and we want the business growth NOW, we start school and we can’t wait to have the Degree NOW, we begin dating only to find Mr. or Mrs. “right” NOW, we want the great job with the great salary NOW.

The list goes on…Its like we want our demands met as soon as we pose them. Otherwise we go somewhere else. We try something different or we feel we are not doing things the right way because its taking too long.

Have you ever felt that life is taking too long to be great? ‘when will my life start to happen?” we scream a the universe and expect to have the answer, you guessed it: NOW

Here is what I know: It takes 9 months for a baby to grow inside the womb. It takes 12 months for an anniversary to be celebrated. It takes 19 years to have your first legal drink in most provinces. The fact is everything we do takes time.

When we focus on the lack of immediate results we bring feelings of frustration, overwhelm, clutter and unhappiness to our lives. So how do we surpass this?

There are different moment in life, And we can honour each moment.

Realize that there are times when we don’t need to know everything (right this minute). There are times we don’t have to “name it” or rationalize a situation. Some times we need to trust that life is happening as it should and learning from what the situation IS more valuable than changing it. Imagine if you dated someone with the expectation that they were Mr./ Mrs Right and realize thats not the case, how powerful would you feel if you took that situation and learned from that. consciously taking those lessons to the next time? How much more confident would you feel next time?

What if you found peace with knowing that at this moment in time your job is to gather pieces of the puzzle? Pieces of wisdom.

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Be Silent, be Still. You will be surprised what will be revealed

The trick is shutting down the excess noise and unnecessary information.

How do we filter the information? Why do we keep still and indulge in learning from the moments in life.

If you make it your conscious job to listen, to be still with your thoughts, you will find that stillness show you the messages that are inside of you and reveals a path to where you want to be

Be brave enough to trust the process of life!

let keep growing

xoxo N