Start making meaningful decision in life!

Now a days there are so many distractions and finding a quiet time to focus on what you want can be challenging. So many things pulling you in every direction with social media, so much noise pollution that can therefore feel overwhelming. The constant distractions and busyness of life have left many of us feeling like we cannot escape the noise. And when we do turn our phones off and the t.v and our electronics, we fail miserably at staying still.

The quiet can be scary and intimidating because we are left to deal with our thoughts. But soon we hear the “ding” from our phones and the quiet is over! The notifications that come in are serious contenders for our attention, even when you are in the middle of a conversation. So this has me wondering…

How can one even decide what to focus on when there is no thinking time?

How can we make clear and effective decisions about life when we are constantly bombarded with distractions?

How can we find the peace and calmness we need to figure things out?

Well, here is what has helped me and hope it helps you:

  1. Prioritize: Make a list of the thing that make you happy! OH and use a pen and paper…Yes be antiquated and old fashioned. The only requirement here is that “it makes YOU happy” so things like skating, riding a pony, reading a book even talking to a unicorn are acceptable- no judgment, be real this list is for your eyes only.

  2. Explore each item on the list. Don’t make any judgment on what they are, don’t worry about what so-and-so will think, and freak out about weather or not it will actually work. Trust your instinct here and explore!

  3. Rate each item from 0 to 10. 0 representing NO joy and 10 being that which brings you the most joy!

  4. Short-list: now that each item has a number and it has some quantifiable significance, pick 1 or 3 things at the most, that have high ratings…so Pick your 10s, 9s or 8s.

  5. Clarify: So take each item on your short list and use it in a sentence.

    I want to ( insert the decision you made) When I think of myself (doing the decision made) it inspires me to ( blank) and this is what I love about me.

    So here : I want to SKATE, when I think of myself SKATING it inspires me to FEEL THE FREEDOM I CRAVE and this is what I love about me.

  6. Now ask yourself: How does this statement resonate with me? What values does this decision meet in my life? family, career, self realization?

    Why does this option make me feel JOY!

    Once you know WHY this makes you happy, you can start to explore the idea:

    How likely am I to want to make an action plan and make this happen?

  7. Direction: now that you have shortlisted, and tried it for size in a sentence you may feel the urge to act on it straight away or ponder a bit and let it simmer. Either way congratulate yourself for taking the time to be with your thoughts.

    So what then….

    See its okay if you notice hesitation! this is good, this means its important and there is a potential change in the future. The idea is, not feel that you have to conquer the world all at once! Rome was not built in one day, and it took God 7 days to create our world so really no pressure. Stay at it, keep practicing the art of prioritizing and making clear decision. it all takes time to figure out so take YOUR time.

    You have one life to live, make it what you want and bring tools into your life that will better your situation and help you achieve your goals.

    let’s keep growing!


    Life Coach

How do we begin to find our true passion!

Many of us are wanderers in life, we wander from school to school, job to job or relationship to relationship never actually knowing where we are going or what life is really all about.

We may feel lost, stuck or just numb by the mundane activities of life…

All the while that restlessness pulls at us and whispers in our ears sweet dreams of a happier life, of feeling satisfaction in our everyday hustle. And the questions begin to pour in, “What Am I supposed to do in life?”, “ There has to be something more than this?” sometimes the questions flood our lives and feels like an emotional inundation. The longing for some meaning, a deeper existence or just some peace appears!

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“Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakens" - Carl Jung

Here is the thing. We all experience this inquisition at one time or another. How can we not? To believe that all there is to life is to get up and go to work, work-out and feel tired from social and professional stress, make time to procreate (if desired) its like a wash, rinse repeat cycle right? and if this is all there is, how can we be motivated and inspired to find out what makes us great?

How do we Know what we want? Its easy!

Just kidding! its not! well it can be. Lets say the questioning of our existence and the urge to want more is a good start. However, this is where most of us get stuck. And yes, Its completely NORMAL! we all do it. We can remain in this state for a long time, if we continue to swipe away the questioning and whispers, that is. The sense of restlessness comes from our inner voice talking to us. Its almost as if our soul is testing out how much “air time” you are wiling to provide. And the more you tune into the “talk” the more questions you will find.

How do we give our soul more air time?

When we start asking the right questions we begin a conversation that leads to possibilities. This requires a decluttering of information from the brain. Exploring and organization of files we have in our brains. When we take the files that make us feel good or simply classifying them as once that have had a positive impact on our lives we feel a sense of connection to what we did and a sense of accomplishment. Why is that? when we feel happiness its like we make a connection to the soul!

How to connect to our Passion

When we have a genuine connection through a service we provided, a skill we shared or a situation that lifted us, we experience a feeling of alignment with who we.Thus connection ours Soul and brain with life. We get a sense of who we truly are because we feel as if that experience had meaning and PURPOSE. We see love and passion manifest itself thorough us with purpose. And gain insight to be able to create that feeling over and over again in our lives. How can you do it?

You can do it. You were born to do it

You have in you the years of experience that give you the knowledge to organize, declutter and begin to uncover the passion and purpose in life. The important thing is to continue to explore and gain the confidence you need to manifest it all! As I always say, this is not a sprint but a marathon!

with love,
